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Spoilers ► MoM Highlights



Well-known member
Jun 23, 2017
I don't think we have a topic for that (sorry if we do)

I wanted to compile all the highlights of the game here.
Here are mine:

- The new story content is a proof that Nomura has a plan. (yes I was worried at some point)
- The writing of the final scenes seems better executed than in past titles. Dialogue and voice acting feels less cringy.
- Fairy GodMother is amazing. I didn't know I would love a Disney character so much and I am invested having her as part of the gang. Her voice actress did a splendid job.
- Xehanort scenes were great. He seems more menacing than the real one (not sure that's a good sign for kh3, haha)
- Christopher Lloyd is the definitive Xehanort for me. He even surpasses Leonard Nimoy to the point that I am trying to imagine how would BBS scenes sound like with Lloyd.
- The master of master secret fight (no I am just kidding, there is no such thing. I just wanted to see if you were reading everything)
- The museum that allows to see ALL artwork, renders and stuffs from past titles. The insane amount of work they put in the saga is worth to look at. They even added the days keyblades (which are extremely pixelated).
- The music of the new scenes is Shimomura at her best.
- The aspect of the game feels exactly like past titles, even though they are using a different engine. Even better sometimes with the depth of field blur in the background.
- Some days and re:coded maps have been recreated and they look gorgeous. Kinda let me hopping that we could visit them freely one day.

What's your highlights of the game?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Now that I've finished the game,

- Playing as Team Days wherever I want. You want RAX in Dwarf Woodlands? They go to Dwarf Woodlands. You want RAX in the Datascape? They get digital. You want RAX in Monstro? Guess what? They run right through that whale's digestive system! I have my own headcanon for MoM story. The World Tour is RAX on vacation, visiting every Disney and KH world they want running amok with no authority to stop them.
- The music worlds are so much fun to play. Still playing on Beginner and Standard, working up to Proud.
- I have new favorite KH songs thanks to this game. Digital Domination, Prankster's Party, No More Bugs, Castle Escapades, All For One, One For All, Risky Romp. Most from games I haven't played or only played once.
- In addition to new songs, I appreciate so many old ones I knew of but never jammed to until now. Such as Secret of Neverland, Arabian Dream, This is Halloween, One Winged Angel, and so many more. I also now know their official names.
- This game has given me goals. I've graduated from Beginner Mode onto Standard, and want to keep going into Proud Mode. So many missions require Proud. I vow to complete Vector to the Heavens on Proud, in all it's button mashing glory.
- Did I mention I love playing as Team Days in any world I want? No restrictions.
- Anytime I complete a world's missions or get a A+++ full chain in Standard Mode. I've gotten quite a music streak going.
- The Museum with unlockable goodies was such a great trip down memory lane. KH nostalgia.
- Story wasn't that bad. I enjoyed it. It wasn't spectacular, but it was certainly more then I was expecting so good.
- Glad Fairy Godmother was used so well. I hope she's part of the extended cast now with more frequent visits.
- Kairi wasn't nearly as bad as everyone was making her out to be. Honestly nothing has changed that much with her.
- If I didn't mention it before, I love playing as Team Days. Got them up to level 99 before ending the game.
- Gameplay wise I think this is one of if not the best KH side title ever. Anytime I wanna play Days or BBS I'm just going to play MoM instead, but add in the cutscenes from those games.
- And final highlight is playing as Team Days all day everyday! YEAH!!

Everyone involved with this game deserves a pat on the back. It wasn't flawless, but I'm having the time of my life. The only thing that rivals MoM for me is the ReMind Data Organization. I hope when Phase 2 comes to a end we get a Melody of Memory 2.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
I’m sure I’ll think of some later but the main one was being lucky enough to match with Master Spockanort by chance in online mode and we got stuck doing Vector to the Heavens on proud. That sure was a fun highlight.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2017
I forgot the most important one:
- the poor artists who were tasked to do a different menu design FOR EACH FREAKING SONG.


Who asked for this? And who said: yes let's do this. This is insane.

At least now they can update KH1, BBS and DDD with those customized menu. Even monstro got one. No one likes monstro.


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
Thank you for this thread! I was going to start one.

Now that I've finished the game,

- Playing as Team Days wherever I want. You want RAX in Dwarf Woodlands? They go to Dwarf Woodlands. You want RAX in the Datascape? They get digital. You want RAX in Monstro? Guess what? They run right through that whale's digestive system! I have my own headcanon for MoM story. The World Tour is RAX on vacation, visiting every Disney and KH world they want running amok with no authority to stop them.
- The music worlds are so much fun to play. Still playing on Beginner and Standard, working up to Proud.
- I have new favorite KH songs thanks to this game. Digital Domination, Prankster's Party, No More Bugs, Castle Escapades, All For One, One For All, Risky Romp. Most from games I haven't played or only played once.

- This game has given me goals. I've graduated from Beginner Mode onto Standard, and want to keep going into Proud Mode. So many missions require Proud. I vow to complete Vector to the Heavens on Proud, in all it's button mashing glory.

- Kairi wasn't nearly as bad as everyone was making her out to be. Honestly nothing has changed that much with her.

- Gameplay wise I think this is one of if not the best KH side title ever. Anytime I wanna play Days or BBS I'm just going to play MoM instead, but add in the cutscenes from those games.

Everyone involved with this game deserves a pat on the back. It wasn't flawless, but I'm having the time of my life.

I second almost everything you listed but especially these points. My own headcanon has been involving team Riku, which I haven't been able to drop since the DDD section, but I can't wait to play through all worlds with all teams with headcanons to match.

I've never played Days and playing team Days in those worlds was like a huge dream come true. I suck at proud mode but I am determined to clear that Vector to heavens mission some day!

More gushing about details and feels and music and what not later. ♡


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Thank you for this thread! I was going to start one.

I second almost everything you listed but especially these points. My own headcanon has been involving team Riku, which I haven't been able to drop since the DDD section, but I can't wait to play through all worlds with all teams with headcanons to match.

I've never played Days and playing team Days in those worlds was like a huge dream come true. I suck at proud mode but I am determined to clear that Vector to heavens mission some day!

More gushing about details and feels and music and what not later. ♡
My MoM Headcanon for The Wayfinder team is Aqua was invited to a elite Keyblade Master's club, and she wanted to bring Ven and Terra. So she leads them through a Mark of Mastery world tour. Ventus passes early, but Terra is still failing. By the time they reach 'Dismiss' They are thinking of ditching Terra, as he is holding them back. And thus Terra's anger and jealous turn him into Terranort.

Making your own headcanon for the team world tours is half the fun. No KH story means you can make up whatever you want on why they are in Disney Worlds. In just one of my playthroughs,
~Axel got triggered when Beast replaced him on Team Days and the team scored a Standard Mode A+++ full chain without him.
~Sora and Mulan had a rivalry on who could slay the most Assault Riders, whenever she joined the team.
~The Wayfinder team took over Cinderella's castle after clearing 'Castle Escapades' and kicked Prince Charming out.
~Riku and the Dream Eaters saved Christmas Town, putting Riku on the nice list from Santa.
~Ariel tried to teach Roxas and Xion how to swim in Atlantica. (Even though all they do is run on the track)

Also, yeah the Proud Mode levels are tough. Even the low ranking ones. And Vector to the Heavens is like level 15. Why is this song so associated with superboss material? First the Data Xion now this Proud Mode mission. Vector to the Heavens makes you work for it's love, lol.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Now that I've finished the game,

- Playing as Team Days wherever I want. You want RAX in Dwarf Woodlands? They go to Dwarf Woodlands. You want RAX in the Datascape? They get digital. You want RAX in Monstro? Guess what? They run right through that whale's digestive system! I have my own headcanon for MoM story. The World Tour is RAX on vacation, visiting every Disney and KH world they want running amok with no authority to stop them.
& also they get to have Disney characters in their party. Why hello there, Peter Pan. Where the hell were you in your own damn world in Days?


Well-known member
May 23, 2020
my favorite headlight is the fact that proud mode performer exists. without it I wouldnt even have bothered with this game


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
& also they get to have Disney characters in their party. Why hello there, Peter Pan. Where the hell were you in your own damn world in Days?
Real talk, it was cool to see Team Days have Beast and Aladdin in their party as guest, considering all the spying they did on them in their worlds. Likewise having a grown up Hercules team up with the Wayfinders feels like something that should happen in a future KH game title :)


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
Oh you bought the game @SweetYetSalty ?? How did the transition from One button to normal style end up being?

I dont know, final cutscenes had me hype for what the future holds honestly, can't wait to check in with Yozora.

The game is marvelous, I've been spending so much time trying to get all chains and perfect scores, I really love the game, incredible love letter to the franchise.

I came into the game for the rhythm part of it, and I'm not dissapointed at all with the package.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Oh you bought the game @SweetYetSalty ?? How did the transition from One button to normal style end up being?

I dont know, final cutscenes had me hype for what the future holds honestly, can't wait to check in with Yozora.

The game is marvelous, I've been spending so much time trying to get all chains and perfect scores, I really love the game, incredible love letter to the franchise.

I came into the game for the rhythm part of it, and I'm not dissapointed at all with the package.
It ended up being surprisingly easy. Normal style let me keep my L1 button masher. Really I just had to add Triangle and multi-target R1 plus X to the mix and it's nearly identical. I haven't even touched OBM since playing. Added some headphones and now I'm breezing through Standard Mode level songs with Triple A+/full chains. Even did my first Proud Mode song yesterday...though it was one of the lower difficulty ones.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Just wanted to pop in and give a brand new highlight of the game for me, and it's simply this...


Took me 22 tries and final score was A++ 8517638, chain of 203. Forget Yozora, this is the hardest KH superboss I've completed yet. I was thinking of summoning King Mickey to help with the score, but wanted to do it classic Team Days style.

Xion's fatass makes you work for her affection. My headcanon for this was she refused to even look at Roxas and Axel until they completed her battle song on Proud Mode, like the diva she is. It took them so long because they were all crying the whole time and threw off their rhythm.

This was a very fun challenge and my first A+ in a Proud Mode song. I don't know if I'll ever get a highlight more rewarding then finishing Vector to the Heavens on Proud. Unless I get all the trophies. Seriously this game is so addictive. If anyone is second guessing if you can complete a Proud Mode mission, just tell yourself "SweetYetSalty did it and he has zero music talent at all" But the question is can I full chain in a Proud Mode song? Gonna find out now.

the red monster

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Biggest highlight is probably the game made me appreciate a lot of old songs i didn't care much about before.
like recoded and monstro's battle theme, and much more.
also hearing almost all my favorite KH songs like vector to the heavens, rage awakened, l'Impeto oscuro (the drop on proud mode was insane) etc. it felt really good.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Just completed another super tough mission. Scoring 170 chain points from Enter the Darkness Proud. This was not fun, because there was one point where I swear, no matter what setting I tried there was some kind of lag with these Floods all bunched together. I managed to somehow get through it but it was rough.

My headcanon for that mission was Eraqus's will had been stolen by Vanitas and Team Wayfinders (I refuse to call them BBS) had to battle through his Unversed to get it. It was bloody and grueling. Terra was cursing up a storm, while Aqua shielded Ven's underage ears. But at the end, Eraqus's ghost gave them the power they needed to score that 170 chain and recover his will.

I managed to clear 50 songs on Proud Mode, even full chains. Only have one mission left and it involved Wave of Darkness 1 on Proud Mode. A fitting end, because I never could finish that on the demo. Time for rhythm redemption!


Dec 8, 2019
I always play both the Japanese and English versions of KH games and the writing of dialogues in Japanese is pretty standard, no more or less well written than your average shounen anime, while the localization team always finds a way to dumb down the English dialogue and make it more kid friendly and worse than it actually is. The main game especially suffered from awkward choice of words and the translation itself was flat out wrong in multiple occasions (like changing Xehanort's line of "Pure white" to "Pure bright" leading people to think that Xehanort wanted a world full of light which just wasn't true).

For MoM i noticed that they improved significantly and not only that, they even chose a better more fitting VA for Xehanort this time. Actually don't know if it's just me but everyone simply sounded better than usual, especially Riku. So they probably found a better writer and sound director for the localization this time so for me this was definitely a highlight.

Another highlight for me is simply how much content and replayability the game offers. I really appreciate how much effort the team put into this game, it really feels much more than the shameless cashgrab it initially appeared to be.


Art of War
Jul 22, 2009
I’m sure I’ll think of some later but the main one was being lucky enough to match with Master Spockanort by chance in online mode and we got stuck doing Vector to the Heavens on proud. That sure was a fun highlight.
This is so awesome haha. So who won?!


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
This week's highlights: Crappy pictures under the spoiler tags, but no actual spoilers.

- Diving through Aqua's theme as Riku 😭
- I worked my way up to Proud mode on L'impeto Oscuro with Riku, then had a whole headcanon of Aqua stepping in, saying "I'M ending this," as I switched to her team for Proud mode and cleared that last mission with her being all beautiful and powerful and masterful. (Ven and Terra helped of course, because Power of Friendship.)
- Watching Ven fight through the Other Promise. I tried all teams on that one, to see which one made me more emotional, and Ven was the most intriguing choice. What dreams did he have when Roxas and Sora fought for ownership of that heart and body?
- Aqua... I love the sound of her voice. She casts magic and slashes through the air like a queen. I LOVE that her finisher in MoM is pure badasserie and no ridiculous figure-skating whatever-they-thought-would-be-pretty-and-girly. Her moves and battle quotes are so brutal and awesome. She could wipe the floor with everyone. Riku's cute, but Aqua's the one true master in this game. Who wouldn't want to train with her?
- Team Cats!! Meow Wow / Riku / Simba
Spoiler Spoiler Show
- Switching up teams and imagining stories to go with the swaps is so amazing... I'm in a Riku&Aqua phase. Riku retracing the Wayfinder trio's steps in the BBS worlds, TAV journeying together after everything they went through alone...

And now THE highlight of my week:

- THE BEST TEAM EVER: Ven / Aqua / Mulan 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I've now cleared all the worlds except the final Land of Dragons track just so I can relive that awesomeness when I need a boost of brilliance. I tried it just to see two girls fight side by side in KH (it was indescribably awesome; their fighting styles and clothing designs work so well together). And then I noticed Ven and Mulan both hold their weapon behind them as they run, which makes the team even more perfect. Mulan / Aqua / Terra -- not as perfect. Ven / Aqua / Mulan is my new dream team.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Yeah... I'm enjoying this game :)


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
OMG! I did the impossible!

I Defeated Dark Domination Proud Mode

My hands are still shaking. Both the field battle and the Master Xehanort fight are no joke. My hats off to anyone who can get All Excellent scores on them I only managed a B on the field and a C on the Xehanort boss.

Obviously I have a headcanon story for this one. For the field version, Xigbar told Team Days there were special Sea-Salt ice cream bars in the Final World. RAX went there and were ambushed by hundreds upon hundreds of Shadows, Neo Shadows, Invisibles, and Air Soliders. After winning they got the ice cream but were too exhausted to eat in. In the aftermath,
~Roxas needed therapy sessions from Namine, to assure him the Shadow Heartless were all gone. This scarred him for life.
~Axel was injured and had to walk with a cane like a old man for a few days before recovering.
~Xion did manage to eat her ice cream, but was so tired from the field battle that she barfed it back up on some poor flowers.

The fight between Xehanort and Sora headcanon was Xehanort promised Sora that if he beat him, Kairi would be playable in the game. After Sora defeated Xehanort in their musical showdown, Xehanort laughed and told him he never said "which game" before disappearing. Sora was not happy, but still walked away with the win.

I never imagined I would be able to beat these songs on Proud. I have 90% of this game done, meaning I have a real chance to Platinum the game. I've never platinumed a video game before. Melody of Memory just might be the first. I'm going for it!

Vulpes XIII

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Castle Oblivion
These are my highlights there not the greatest achievements and I had done a lot of these on beginner and they took me ages as I’m bad at rhythm games and don’t usually bother to play them ,but I’m still proud of them.

These were all done on Basic

A+++ Lord of the castle (4)
A+ Dark Domination (6)
A++ Vector to the heavens (5)
A+ Fragments of sorrow (4)
A++ Force in you (4)
A+ Spooks of Halloween town (4)
A+ Simple and Clean (5)

A++ Castle Oblivion (5)
A+ End of the world (8)
A Vector to the heavens (10)

Decided to try a random song on Proud to see how difficult it would be after several attempts managed to clear it.
Risky Romp (14) unfortunately I only managed a C
Im definitely determined to clear a Proud mode song with an A at some point though.

Other than that I managed to eventually get over 1000 points online was mostly through Beginner with tricks though, managed to get some points in standard matches with tricks as well.
I’m happy I got days team to level 99 though And doing the Xemnas music battle with team days was cool.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
  1. Playing as Team Days in every world. Even though we kind of got it in ReMIND, I love that I can fight Xemnas with RAX (which is a dream come true for me).
  2. I have trouble remembering/differentiating some of the tracks and titles, so it was an engaging way to remind me of which title is which. I especially used to get confused with the Castle Oblivion music and could only name "Lord of the Castle" and everything else I just called "song from Castle Oblivion".
  3. The game made me appreciate some songs that I never really cared for or noticed, like the music from Country of the Musketeers.
  4. It reminded me of the sheer quantity of music that the series has produced and made me appreciate how important the music really was to the success of the game. Normally when I listen to KH music, it's just "the hits" in my opinion like The Other Promise, Vector To The Heavens, Musique pour la tristesse de Xion, L'Impeto Oscuro etc. But this game really highlighted how great all the songs are because they suit each world so well.
  5. As much as I hate fishface and the idea of going back to the old models, this game solidified my love of them. There's something about their design from KH1-KH3D that just screams KH. I kind of wish that KH3 could have come earlier, so that the Dark Seeker Saga could have ended with that design.
  6. Just like the concerts, MoM does a really good job of highlighting a character with the video and music. I failed Roxas and Xion so many times because I ended up getting caught up watching the video instead of playing the game.
  7. It actually is a fun game. I thought I would play it only for the Kairi/story and be out, but I find myself playing it more than I expected. On top of that, I find myself playing songs I didn't think I would care about (Majestic Wings).