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Kingdom Hearts: The Road to Oblivion [RP Thread]

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New member
Apr 15, 2011
Barcelona, Spain


Fifteen hundred years have now passed since Xehanort's final defeat and passing; it seemed to be the beginning of a new golden age, the Modern Era in the Imperial calendar. Many worlds have been discovered within the past seventy-five years, all by cartographers hired and contracted by the Senate during the previous reigns of the late Emperors Lucius the Elder and Servius Tullius. Many more worlds await to be discovered. With a first glance, one may seem to believe that things were turning out for the better....

Despite the defeat of Xehanort a millennia and a half ago, evil is still afoot in the worlds of the Realm of Light. It comes not in the form of darkness or shadow but in the radiance of a pure, stinging light. The Imperium of Light, founded in the aftermath of the Shadow War against Seuche and the Shadow Hand, had transformed into an authoritarian, militaristic regime by the reign of Emperor Servius Tullius.

Things had not improved but had gotten worse with Servius Tullius' assassination and the ascension of his nephew Lucius as Emperor. His first act as Emperor was granting himself a new title: that of Rex Mundi, King of the Worlds. With the assistance of his many allies in the Imperial government, he pushed Jundo, an ideology that advocated for the political and social transformation of the Imperium to what he and his supporters considered a perfect society: one of the most popular statutes formally advocated for the marginalization of the Nobodies and Heartless, both groups despised by most of society for eons, to the status of second-class citizens. In the fifth year of his rule over the Imperium, young Emperor Lucius began expanding the Imperium of Light's discriminatory policies towards these groups of people, forcing them to move out of their homes and live in several designated ghettos.

There was some protest amongst the Empire by all echelons of society, while not opposed to sending them off to live in the ghettos, they were against forcing them to wear special emblems on their clothing among the other things. Said protest was especially prominent amongst the Legion of Light, founded by Sora, Riku and King Mickey after Xehanort's defeat. Emperor Lucius II, unlike his predecessors, wanted the Blades gone: he saw them as a possible obstacle to his plans of total domination. He ordered the group to be forcibly disbanded, Legate Cnut and a select few were brought before the Emperor and publicly executed for defying against his will.

With the public execution, resistance to the new discriminatory had quieted down, except for the Heartless and Nobodies themselves. After all, why defy the Emperor when he was doing what seemed to be getting rid of the two most hated groups of creatures in society?

Civil disobedience towards these discriminatory laws continued, particularly amongst the residents of Twilight Town, a quiet, hilly neighborhood populated by an assortment of different races, including Nobodies and Heartless. Rumors were spread amongst the Twilight Town residents that Emperor Lucius, accompanied by his Immortals and a select few members of the Twilight Disciplinary Committee, was coming to the area to make sure that the Nobodies and Heartless, as well as any other trouble-makers, are to be deported into the designated ghettos in the Imperial home-world Erde, also known as the former Radiant Garden, where they would serve as a free source of slave labor for him.

Resistance by the locals is heavy. The locals have already stormed the local armory in Sunset Hill, stealing as many weapons, armor and magic for themselves. The local Imperial garrison, numbering one thousand men in total, stationed in the old Central Station, commanded by Emperor Lucius's younger brother, Prince Julius Vindex, was massacred by the mob of anti-Imperials. Surviving members of the recently disbanded Legion of Light are rumored to have traveled afar to lead the local civilians in forming an organized, armed resistance force to the arriving Imperials. Imperial intelligence agents have also managed to detect the significant presence of Aegyls, likely mercenaries from beyond the Imperium's borders out in the Frontier Regions. The leader of the local resistance is commanded by a young man named Rutilus.

In the unknown reaches of space, a great darkness looms. The surviving remnants of the Shadow Hand remains in hiding, watching the events as they unfold, hoping that one day that the chaos would result in their return. Their desires remained the same they were many centuries ago: to re-establish the tight grip that the Shadow Hand had over the worlds under the leadership of Mage Seuche. In the meantime, a new generation of Princesses of Hearts, seven maiden whose hearts are of pure light, devoid of darkness, are out there. It is said that if brought together, their hearts will summon the Final Keyhole, which leads to Kingdom Hearts.​
As soon as I met General Xelphion in his quarters, I had been informed that my baby brother and a lot of the men garrisoned had been killed early on. I had always been taught by my tutors to offer forgiveness to my enemies, no matter what they do, but when I saw my brother’s body being carted off to Erde, I felt rage…..hatred, among an assortment of other emotions. I remembered this feeling. I felt it when me and my Mom were told that someone took my dad’s life. I remembered repressing them. I thought it was the best thing at the time, considering the person who killed him had managed to escape, was never caught by the authorities. I saw my brother and knew that deep down, his killer was out there, taking the lives of our men.

I would avenge him.

I would avenge everyone killed in this battle and make sure that these rebels would learn not to cross us.

- Emperor Lucius’ Journal.

Two days had passed since Emperor Lucius and several thousand reinforcements, had arrived onto the battlefield. Things had looked rather precarious when they first landed outside the abandoned Old Mansion and were welcomed by the General and his staff members. Hundreds of General Xelphion’s men had been killed, not to mention the Imperial garrison that were captured and killed by the anti-Imperial mobs early into the uprising. Thousands upon thousands more laid wounded from defending their position in the Tram Common against the revolutionaries who had them outnumbered, outmaneuvered, and outgunned by a thirty to one margin.

The situation did indeed improve, if only a little bit, with the Emperor’s intervention. Morale was up amongst the soldiers with the arrival of Emperor Lucius Secondus, a man seen with much respect and favor by the Imperial military, and that helped a bit. Fresh food and supplies had arrived with the several dozen Gummi warships. And there was also the presence of reinforcements which helped too, particularly the Immortals, an elite group of soldiers and mages whose sworn duty was to accompany the Emperor at all times and when necessary, to defend the name of the Imperium of Light. The revolutionaries had a hard enough time fighting average soldiers but if they were to fight Immortals and the Emperor, they would surely lose or so they hoped for.

“Are these tunnels safe, my liege?” asked an Immortal, standing behind Emperor Lucius, as the latter opened Market Street’s door to the Underground Concourse.

“I’m not exactly sure. Let me check,” responded the young Emperor. He walked past the door and took a peek around, seeing nothing but darkness. “Hello? Hello! Is anyone home?” He questioned; him and the small group of men accompanying him stepped over a small puddle of water while doing so.

There was no response, just silence.

“Oh well, it looks like there is no one here,” Lucius noted. He continued walking, his men and women right behind him, seeing more puddles and rats running around. “Nope, nothing here. Let’s continue.”

“What are we even here for?” Another Imperial soldier, a Viera archer, asked. Lucius sighed and turned around.

“We’re trying to find the tunnel that can take us to the Tram Station where our intelligence agents on the ground believes the rebel leadership is hiding in. If we can find it, we can infiltrate the enemy camp, capture the rebel leaders and put an end to this little rebellion of theirs before anymore lives are put on the line. Does that answer your question, soldier?” Lucius answered. The Viera nodded, and the Emperor smiled: “Good then. Let’s proceed. We must not dally, General Xelphion is counting on…….woah!”

Emperor Lucius fell face with a loud thud first into a moderately deep pool of water. His soldiers gasped and began going down the stairway that led to the pool to save their leader. The spiky-haired man managed to swim to the platform and sat himself up, wiping his face with his sleeves and looked at his soldiers, preoccupied for their ruler’s safety. He was not bothered with getting hurt, he loved hanging around with his soldiers. It made him feel like he’s doing something, instead of sitting down in his throne, listening to the complaints of the commoners.

“Are you okay, my liege?” the soldiers asked. Lucius stood up and smiled.

“I am, just a little wet behind the ears,” he chuckled. “Let’s proceed on.”

They turned a corner and spotted ahead of them a ladder on the side, next to a small stream of flowing water. Lucius headed towards it and climbed up. He reached the top of the ladder and moved forward, stepping over more water. Lucius and his soldiers looked around. Like before, it seemed that there was no one around in the Concourse, no revolutionaries, nothing besides for sewer rats.

I wonder how the General and the others are holding up in ground level, the Emperor thought to himself as he stared at a small wooden door at the end of the corridor.
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Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
It all started with an emotion… anger. After six months of being trapped in the abyss that is ‘Nobody’, I felt something for the first time about a month ago. “Caelum” is dead, but that’s fine. I don’t have the heart to care about that, after all.

I Rutilus, the Nobody who somehow or another has ended up leading this revolution, felt anger that day.

Was it for the Nobodies that were being tortured before my own eyes? Considering Caelum’s previous distaste for Nobodies, I doubt it. But whatever caused it, I say “Thank you.”

We are Revolution.

Rutilus observed the battle on the ground below him as he sat up high in the shadows, at the very top of the old Station’s tower. He knew that it wasn’t exactly a wise decision to locate himself up there all alone, but he couldn’t care to stop himself. It was almost as if the spot beckoned for him, really.

It had been two days already since Emperor Lucius himself had arrived to the war-torn world of Twilight Town. While it was clear that the Revolutionaries still had the overall advantage, Rutilus noted that the Emperor’s arrival had in fact at least started to change this. The Imperium men were more motivated, more inspired, now that he was there among them. While the Revolutionaries had much more in numbers than the Imperium, they were beginning to lose more men than they previously had.

I’ll just need to find it before the Imperium overwhelms us. Then we’ll pull back and retreat there, where they won’t be able to find us,’ Rutilus noted to himself. ‘This is a bit of a disappointment to admit, but there isn’t a way for us to win this particular battle. We need to find the Mysterious Tower, take down as many Imperium men as we can, and then draw back for further planning.

The Nobody shrugged and with that, turned back to the stairs and arrived to join his men. He motioned for a specific squad to gather together and huddled closely with them, “I’m going to send you guys to Sunset Hill. You’ll be looking for a train…” he pulled out a piece of a paper with a doodle etched on it, “This train. Once you find it, two of you should get on board and ride it. It should take you to the Mysterious Tower. It was considered a sacred place to the Legion of Light, as it was where the legendary Master Yen Sid used to reside. Its location is knowledge that was only passed down to us, so the Imperium will never find it.”

The group looked among themselves before one of the men asked, “Why are we looking for it, sir?”

Rutilus grinned, “It’ll be our base. The place was said to be infinitely vast in its many rooms due to Yen Sid’s spells, giving us plenty of room to use as our main base from here on out.”

Suddenly, a roaring explosion emitted from outside the station, close to the streets. Rutilus growled, “Great,” he turned to his squad, “Get going now, and contact me once you’ve found it. I’ll take care of what’s outside.”

With that, the Nobody dashed to the outdoors to see whatever had just happened. Unsurprisingly, a small group of Imperium soldiers were fighting his men. Rutilus summoned his Keyblade to his side as he rushed into battle…
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Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
"How long will this continue?" Amelia thought aloud as she looked down from the rooftops of Tram Common. She was catching her breath from the long battle. "Cura," she cast.

She'd come here to join the resistance, and, despite how things seemed, this was pretty lucky. They were obviously here, after all. She would finally get a chance to join!

Looking at the carnage and hearing the screams of battle made her falter for a second. How much of that had she caused? She couldn't even remember clearly right now. Was battle supposed to be so confusing...? She looked down at her keyblade and smiled. It was all she'd need to remind her of home, and there was no looking back now. She'd figure out the rest later.

She backed up and few feet before running to the edge of the rooftop and jumping back down to continue fighting alongside the rebels. By now, most of them knew she was fighting with them, not against them, so she had an easier time than before.

She couldn't help but giggle. This battle would be over soon! The revolutionaries were winning, so the soldiers would have to give up soon. Their reinforcements had to run out soon...

Almost there, Ace, she thought as she cut down another soldier. "Fira!"

She had to admit, though, the soldiers were tougher than before... why was that?


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
'Yep, they're definitely stronger than before,' Rutilus noted as he dodged three different attacks at once, before landing back several feet on his feet, pointing the Kingdom Key D at the trio of Imperium soldiers directly in front of him, "SHINE!" With that, a large blast of light shot out from the Keyblade, sending the three opponents flying.

He sighed for a moment before turning and parried a clumsy swing from another Imperium soldier and promptly punched him in the face, rendering the lowly soldier unconscious as he scoffed, "That wasn't even worth using my blade for."

"I'm heading for Tram Common," Rutilus stated to some of his men as he dashed on ahead, "You all hold up the fort here, okay?"

With that, Rutilus dashed up to the rooftops and leapt from building to building until he arrived at the epicenter of the battle, "We're not gonna be able to outlast 'em..."

Suddenly he spotted a girl in the corner of his eye and recognized her to be one of his soldiers. He dashed to her side, "Er... Amelia, right? Status report, please."
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Amelia almost jumped as she heard him. "Uh, yes, sir!" She looked around, suddenly disoriented. She didn't know what all was supposed to be included in her status report. "We still outnumber the soldiers, but they've become stronger now... I think they got good news or something, so they must be more confident?"

Amelia turned and parried another attack, but stopped and yelled back, "Oh, and I think I heard echoes coming from the tunnels, and there was an explosion somewhere. Is that all...sir?" Amelia turned and ran back into the heat of battle without waiting for a response. She wasn't the best at reports, and staying longer may make him reconsider letting her in...


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
"Yeah, you've done great, but the tunnels? You're sure about th-" Rutilus turned to see that the girl had run off back into battle, "Hey hold on a second, get back here!" He dashed after her, quickly swiping down several Imperium soldiers as he ran by. Once he was next to her, he continued, "You're not supposed to run off until you're ordered to, Amelia."

Suddenly, he pushed her down to the ground and pointed his Keyblade up ahead, casting a Lightaga spell at four armed Imperium soldiers, blowing them away. He raised the girl back up and said, "You and I are going to go check out the tunnels right now. The Emperor may be trying to sneak into the Central Station and catch us off guard. We need to stop that from happening now. Understand?"
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
"I'm not a child... I understand, sorry, sir!" Amelia got back up and nervously stared at the ground. "And...thank you. I won't let it happen again!" Amelia plowed through the crowd to get to one of the tunnel's entrances, but the soldiers were harder to get past than she'd thought.

When she finally reached the tunnels, she could help but doubt the need to go it. "What if it had been just echoes...sir?" She asked. "Is it okay to leave the main battlefield like this?" She saw an attack heading towards them and quickly cast reflega to stop it. "And now we're even for earlier!" she smiled childishly before realizing she was probably out of line again. "Sir!" she added.


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
"Thanks... look, don't worry about being all proper with me," Rutilus simply said with a flat look as he blasted a Blizzaja at the direction of that attack, "I don't have a heart to care 'bout that kinda thing as it is, so it's cool if you wanna talk more casually with me," he grinned as he added, "Just remember that I am in charge here, alright? That's important no matter what way you look at it."

He paused for a moment, "As for what you said before, it'd be better that we checked this out, regardless if there isn't anyone there. In fact, that's what I'm hoping for. The tunnels are the one direct passage the Emperor could possibly use to get from his base to ours without having to cross through the battlefield and would put him in a perfect spot to take down the heads of the Revolutionaries in one big fell swoop. So, yes, checking this out is much more important than staying at the Tram Common right now."

With that, the two quietly walked deeper into the station, and soon heard voices nearby. Rutilus motioned Amelia to be silent and mouthed to her silently, 'Don't make any moves unless I tell you to, okay?' With that, he slowly moved to a corner closer to where the voices were and spotted the Emperor himself with a group of Imperium soldiers.

'Not good,' Rutilus thought to himself. With that, he silently returned to his previous spot with Amelia and mouthed, 'It's the Emperor himself, and a squad of Imperium men. Don't doing anything unless I tell you to, okay?'


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
"I hope you find your light on the other side guys." Dusk said as she entered the train station. On the way there, the comrades she had with her had perished when the Imperium had ambushed them, she was the only one on either side to make it out alive. But she still had to mission to do, so she was thankful for not having a heart to feel sadness for them. She was also grateful that their were no Imperium's in the station, so she was free to look without interpution. What she was looking for though, she wasn't sure if it existed.

She was looking for a phantom train.

She didn't regret taking the assingment, and it wasn't becuase she lacked a heart to feel regret, it was becuase she had heard stories of this train since she came to Twilight town, so she was more then a little curious about it. But how to find a train that all sides had been looking for since Sora's time? Well, there was only one way to find out.

Dusk had heard of a track that was never used by the regular trains, so she went there. She examined the platform around the tracks, then jumped onto them and walked out of the station on them.

"Kind of wish i had a heart to enjoy the thrill of this with" She said as she walked quickly over them. Her plan was kind of stupid, and if any of the others were there, they would either laugh or yell at her, but it was her only plan. Walk the tracks till she found the train or the tower. It might have been a stupid plan, but after about twenty mintues, it worked. She saw the train...and it about ran over her. It was a good thing she had good reflexs, for she was able to jump onto it with no problem at all.

"Okay phantom train," Dusk said after she managed to crawl in through a very convient skylight on the roof of the train, "Take me to the tower."
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Digidork for life.
Apr 3, 2008
At the end of time, listening to the drums...
Today this ends
Evan scanned the horizon from the top of one of the buildings, checking and rechecking the enemies movements. "Rutilus should just now be moving through the tunnels.." he muttered to himself. Though the battle seemed to be going, more or less, smoothly, he was looking for something in particular, a stray revolutionary, perhaps, or some sort of weapon. "There must be a threat..."
"Sir?" Questioned one of a small group of soldier he'd formed just for this defensive operation. "We appear to be winning, sir, why aren't we down there helping to end this battle quickly?" The soldier was one of the best he'd noticed, a relatively unknown member of the Imperium, yet holding surprising potential and loyalty, his name was Baltrex.
"These classless rats have had weeks to prepare for this fight, yet they appear completely unorganized, why do you think that is, Baltrex?" He asked the soldier, testing him.
"I'm not sure, perhaps they didn't expect our numbers, or they thought they would have the greater homefield advantage..." The soldier replied, his tone making clear his uncertainty.
"Simple, they have a plan, and they don't want us to know." Evan remarked pointedly. Suddenly, he eyed a few stray soldiers, separated far from the main battle, dangerously close to the tunnels. "Rutilus... Men, we're moving out, our lord is in need of assistance. Stick to the rooftops, do not be seen. Thane, I want you to stay here and keep a lookout, signal us if you see anything of note. Whether it be an odd looking soldier, or anything unexplainable." He barked his orders and set off across the roofs of the many buildings, Baltrex and Felding, the final member of his squad in tow.
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Amellia tilted her head. She was supposed to read his lips? She imitated how he moved his lips, hoping to get some idea of what he said. There were parts of it she had missed, but she at least got that she could do anything yet.

She sighed quietly and nodded. She hoped he saw who he was looking for, but she was getting bored, now. Just a little longer... She thought as she looked down at her keyblade. Then we can have some fun.

In the meantime, she tried to study Rutilus's face for some kind of emotion or clue as to what he was planning... Did he really lack a heart?


New member
Jan 15, 2012
Hueco Mundo
"For crying out loud! Where the hell is everyone?!" complained Zero, running through the streets, before spotting revoultionaries running about. "Revoultionaries?!" said Zero, seeing they were getting closer to an opening of a tunnel. "Better deal with this and find out what's happening with the General" said Zero, racing forward, flipping a dagger into each of his hands and rushing out into battle. Seeing they've spotted him finally, Zero couldn't help but grin. "These guys will be nothing!" said Zero, attacking.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
Dusk had to admit, the ride had been pretty cool. One second she had been riding in Twilight Town, then the next she was in the space. The train was a pretty awsome mode of transportation, but she still prefered gummi ships (she loved shooting down Imperium's too much). But the best part was the destination. The tower was built in such an odd way, but Dusk found herself attracted to it.

"Looks like someone forgot to lock it before they left." Dusk said to herself when she found the door to the tower unlocked and easily opened, "Or this could be a trap...one way to find out." Throwing caution to the wind she quickly walked inside and stopped. Nothing, not even a mouse or bug was in this tower. Just dust from the long emptiness. Dusk spent about an hour exploring the tower, to make sure it wasn't a fake, then when she got to the top room, which she guessed by the books, was Master Yen Sid's study, she took out a walkie talkie and tuned it to Rutilus's frequency.

"Yo, Rutilus, you getting this or am I too far?"


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
Rutilus waited silently, carefully observing Emperor Lucius and his men from a distance with Amelia. 'I really don't like this...' the Nobody thought to himself, 'Or at least, I wouldn't if I had a heart. I can sense the Emperor is at least my equal, if not stronger by a margin, and we're extremely outnumbered,' he turned to the tunnel entrances, 'Not to mention that I sense two more groups heading this way... one of 'em being General Xelphion... we're gonna have to be really quiet and plan carefully on what to d-'

Suddenly, his walkie-talkie fizzed rather loudly and a loud voice emitted from the device, "Yo, Rutilus, you getting this or am I too far?"

'Oh, this is just perfect...' Rutilus gasped as he whispered into the device, "I can hear you, but now is not the time to talk. I take it you got to the Tower." He turned to Amelia and whispered, "We gotta move quietly. Now."


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
Dusk knew immedailty that something was wrong by the way he was talking, it was just to queit for Rutilus. Which meant he was in trouble...again.

" Yeah. Hey, do i need to come back and help?" Dusk whispered into the talkie. She didn't really want to fight, rather explore the tower more, but if Rutilus needed her, she would be there to back him up.
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Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Amelia nodded and bit her lower lip. How long were they just going to stay here doing nothing? She hadn't joined for this... This was proving nothing. She crossed her arms and glared at the ground.

Why was she here with him, anyway? Her, and not some higher-ranking member? Because she was the only one who got a little spooked by the echoes? That was fair...

Still, if they had to be quiet, it must be something pretty big. She tried to peek around the corner to what Rutilus saw.


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
Rutilus noticed that the girl was trying to get a peek at what he was seeing. 'She looks hungry for action,' he noted, 'This is probably boring her.' He sighed and motioned for her to switch spots with him quietly for a moment. He whispered, "It's Emperor Lucius down there. Take a quick peek and then you and I are changing locations. We've got more company heading our way."

He silently summoned his Keyblade back to his hand and kept it pointed at one particular entrance. 'What have I gotten myself into?'


Digidork for life.
Apr 3, 2008
At the end of time, listening to the drums...
Evan motioned to his men, carefully orchestrating them to position around the entrance to the tunnels, carefully hidden from sight. "If they're wise, they won't make a move on the emperor..." he said under his breathe, taking a position above the tunnel entrance. Here they would wait, listening, and at the slightest provocation, they would storm in, and put a decisive end to the revolutionaries plot.
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Amelia looked back towards the direction they had come from. Watching this guy wasn't made more interesting by actually watching him, but she finally turned back towards Rutilus and nodded. She had to make a good impression, after all.

She memorized how Lucius looked, then leaned against the wall and stared at Rutilus. So, this is revolutionary work...she thought. She looked down at her bloody shirt and smiled. It's not so bad, really... Boring, but I could be doing worse. She smiled and decided to at least try to enjoy this. 'I'm ready when you are,' She mouthed to Rutilus, staring at the entrance.


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
Rutilus froze as he suddenly sensed the General and his troops being much closer than they seemed to have been moments prior. 'Gotta move now.'

With that he got up and pulled Amelia up and started moving to another corner, whispering into the walkie talkie, "Dusk. I'm in the old tunnels, and we're surrounded. Inform several of our squads to barricade the entrance from the old tunnels, as the Emperor is planning on ambushing the Central Station from there, and send another squad or two down here from a different entrance for back-up. I want you spear-heading the defense at the Station, got it? Start having the medics get our wounded on board the train."

He turned to Amelia, "We're in for some fighting. Stay calm and do not get cocky, okay?"
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