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Didja ever notice

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Nozomi Ai

New member
Jul 14, 2009
In Riku's closet
Uh no. He said that because he WANTED fans to speculate and draw their own conclusions to the pairings. Which clearly means he is well aware that people are thinking of SoRiku too.
Yea so that way when the time finally comes for them to reveal the couple no one will have suspected it. This is jst my opinion of the situation. Dnt want this to turn into another back and forth argument.


braver by the minute
Jun 9, 2009
Yea so that way when the time finally comes for them to reveal the couple no one will have suspected it. This is jst my opinion of the situation. Dnt want this to turn into another back and forth argument.
I don't think so...

Nozomi Ai

New member
Jul 14, 2009
In Riku's closet
Although this was exspected from Kairi, i am once againdissapointed in her. So you and Sora are sharing a moment and she totally lets him yank off of her jst to talk to who he though was Ansem at the time. If she were a real women she would have told him to take his hand off of her(if you notice in the scene he keeps one hand on her shoulder. I would have been like "didnt you jst yank me off so dnt go touching me no more". But i guess shell jst take anything she can from him.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
No, it's been said before, no kh couples are canon. It's up to us to decide what who we think is the "real" couple.

Alright already. Yes, that makes sense. But some things Nomura obviously leads us on with, allowing us to make the connections. Clearly he meant for certain relationships to exist, since if he didn't hint at them and pretty much make each person part of the relationship perform specific actions, no relationships would exist at all and Kingdom Hearts would be a random fantasy world with no meaning. It doesn't apply to everything.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
People sure like to link me to those threads.

Alright already. Yes, that makes sense. But some things Nomura obviously leads us on with, allowing us to make the connections. Clearly he meant for certain relationships to exist, since if he didn't hint at them and pretty much make each person part of the relationship perform specific actions, no relationships would exist at all and Kingdom Hearts would be a random fantasy world with no meaning. It doesn't apply to everything.

I'll assume you're talking about SoKai and say that the only person that 'performed specific actions' was Kairi. She's the one that latched onto Sora and tried desperately to hold on and tried to push everything and anyone, even Riku, out of her way, while Sora just about told her to get out of his own way. :v
Sora treats Kairi herself like he does anyone and everyone aside from Riku, and for the duration of CoM/Re:CoM, Namine. Never before and never since did Kairi receive any special treatment from Sora.
No, wait, I take that back. He never told anyone else they'd get in his way. I think that's a pretty crude way of telling Kairi "stay here because I want to protect you".

We all already know Sora has gay feelings for Riku.

Now just for Sora to realize that.

I still hold that in light of TWEWY, the possibility of Riku being officially outed in KH3 exists :v

Ok I'll let out my SoKai rant now.

Kairi's only there to try and make Sora and Riku not look half as gay as they are, only she's counterproductive to the point they look twice as gay as they are, if only because of the blunt comparison between how Sora treats Riku and how he treats Kairi. They realized something was wrong along the way and that was when they brought Namine in, saying that Sora's love for Namine would base SoKai, but not only did it not help at all during their 'reunions' in KH2, in which "SoKai" made SoRiku look even more official, Sora ended up remembering Namine, so his feelings for Namine being basis for SoKai doesn't really hold water anymore, either!


*pant* *pant*
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New member
Jul 14, 2009
People sure like to link me to those threads.

I'll assume you're talking about SoKai and say that the only person that 'performed specific actions' was Kairi. She's the one that latched onto Sora and tried desperately to hold on and tried to push everything and anyone, even Riku, out of her way, while Sora just about told her to get out of his own way. :v
Sora treats Kairi herself like he does anyone and everyone aside from Riku, and for the duration of CoM/Re:CoM, Namine. Never before and never since did Kairi receive any special treatment from Sora.
No, wait, I take that back. He never told anyone else they'd get in his way. I think that's a pretty crude way of telling Kairi "stay here because I want to protect you".

Now just for Sora to realize that.

I still hold that in light of TWEWY, the possibility of Riku being officially outed in KH3 exists :v

Ok I'll let out my SoKai rant now.

Kairi's only there to try and make Sora and Riku not look half as gay as they are, only she's counterproductive to the point they look twice as gay as they are, if only because of the blunt comparison between how Sora treats Riku and how he treats Kairi. They realized something was wrong along the way and that was when they brought Namine in, saying that Sora's love for Namine would base SoKai, but not only did it not help at all during their 'reunions' in KH2, in which "SoKai" made SoRiku look even more official, Sora ended up remembering Namine, so his feelings for Namine being basis for SoKai doesn't really hold water anymore, either!


*pant* *pant*

Wait one second. When did Sora ever tell Kairi to get out of his way? I don't really remember his specifically saying "get out of my way Kairi" or anything along those lines. Maybe I'm just forgetting, but it doesn't seem like something Sora would say. What do you mean though? Honestly, Sora treats Kairi a lot differently than that of other characters, though yes, he cares for Riku a lot, Kairi is still HUGE in Sora's world. Does anyone remember how important and meaningful the promise was at the end of Kingdom Hearts? Or the lucky charm that Sora always looks back onto every chance he gets. Also, throughout CoM/Re:CoM Sora is always thinking about that promise, and it is Kairi who helps him remember his true memories. All his memories are linked to her, and through that she is the most important person in the world to him. In Kingdom Hearts II she also connects Roxas to Sora, and throughout the game Sora is always searching for her. Especially when he finds out she was in Twilight Town, he becomes extremely excited. It might not be as obvious as Riku's relationship with Sora, but in the end, Kairi is the most important person to him, and they belong with each other. He's young though so he doesn't realize everything, but perhaps in Kingdom Hearts III he will? I guess what I'm really trying to say is that we're forgetting what started this whole journey and what keeps him going on. Riku and Kairi.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Wait one second. When did Sora ever tell Kairi to get out of his way? I don't really remember his specifically saying "get out of my way Kairi" or anything along those lines. Maybe I'm just forgetting, but it doesn't seem like something Sora would say.

"You'd kind of be in my way".
KH1, when Kairi finally relented to not coming with Sora as he was on his way to save the possessed Riku.

Honestly, Sora treats Kairi a lot differently than that of other characters

Not really, no. Since when is "I've got to save her" such a different way to treat someone when he did as much for Alice, whom he never really properly met, just saw that she was in danger? Kairi does have knowing him from before going for her, yes, but seeing how Sora only knew about her and Riku that were missing, and then, that only they were even around from all the people that disappeared from his world, it's not like we had a lot of other people like Kairi Sora had to save, that we can really say Kairi is special to him. She's just another person on his 'to save' list.

Does anyone remember how important and meaningful the promise was at the end of Kingdom Hearts?

You mean the promise we later see was to bring Riku back to Kairi?

Or the lucky charm that Sora always looks back onto every chance he gets.

Kairi's Home representative. It means coming back home, not necesarilly to Kairi in the long run. And it meant a lot more when it became Namine's good luck charm. Since ya know, I never saw Sora risk his life to protect it when it was Kairi's.
And please, let the perhaps single proper show of friendship from Sora to Kairi live, alright? Since if you try to use even that to base romance you're left with nothing at all :v let him care about her at all because you say he's in love.

Also, throughout CoM/Re:CoM Sora is always thinking about that promise, and it is Kairi who helps him remember his true memories.

Nooo, he thinks about his promise to Namine. The two promises aren't related in the least. And the one that helps Sora recall his Memories is Namine. Since, ya know, if having Repliku in front of him all that time didn't stop Sora from forgetting anything, I doubt just telling him there was a girl Sora used to know once upon a time would help much. And you yourself just admitted to the fact Sora cares more about Riku than he does about Kairi, so how do you explain it without saying Namine was trying to avert Sora's attention from her herself by giving him someone else to supposedly love?

All his memories are linked to her

How in tarnation is the Memory of the Promise to Namine related to Kairi when it's set in a time where chronologically, Kairi couldn't have been there?
Even Sora recovering his Memories via Roxas and Namine's relation can be explained simply enough by this following logic:
Kairi = Person from Destiny Islands. DI = where Sora lived his whole life up to KH1. Hence by linking him to Kairi he's linked to the rest of his Memories. This has a lot less to do with how much he cares about Kairi as much as Kairi's plot location. Romance value = nill.

In Kingdom Hearts II she also connects Roxas to Sora, and throughout the game Sora is always searching for her.

Namine is a Nobody born from Sora and Kairi, so of course her meeting Roxas would eventually link Sora and Kairi. I fail to see how you think you can base romance on that.
And he only looked for her for the second part of the game. And when he did, he went "she's kidnapped again?!". And then there's the added value of getting Riku-information from the people that kidnapped her, so again, it's not like he did things only for Kairi.
Ask yourself how he'd have reacted if his mother would've been kidnapped, and you wouldn't really find all that much of a difference. The point is that they stupidly introduced only Kairi from DI, instead of other people Sora and Riku could care less about. Hence, Kairi's incomparable, so you can't really say she's special in any way.

Especially when he finds out she was in Twilight Town, he becomes extremely excited.

Of course he would be, it's a tiny ray of light in the Darkness he's facing after hearing from Saix Riku was pretty much screwed over.

but in the end, Kairi is the most important person to him, and they belong with each other.

:v good lords, what games have you been playing?

He's young though so he doesn't realize everything, but perhaps in Kingdom Hearts III he will?

Uh... his "More than friends" comment about Namine suggests otherwise. I think that if Sora was to truly love Kairi, he'd have loved her by now.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that we're forgetting what started this whole journey and what keeps him going on. Riku and Kairi.

No, what started his whole journey were the two friends that disappeared right in front of his eyes. Them being Riku and Kairi to that extent is redundant. Had it been Selphie and Tidus, do you truly believe Sora would've just shrugged and let them rot?
Again, he saved Alice over just seeing her in danger. You really wanna tell me that had he seen any two other friends of his disappear before their playground island went bye bye, that he'd have really not given a damn?

Nozomi Ai

New member
Jul 14, 2009
In Riku's closet
"You'd kind of be in my way".
KH1, when Kairi finally relented to not coming with Sora as he was on his way to save the possessed Riku.

Not really, no. Since when is "I've got to save her" such a different way to treat someone when he did as much for Alice, whom he never really properly met, just saw that she was in danger? Kairi does have knowing him from before going for her, yes, but seeing how Sora only knew about her and Riku that were missing, and then, that only they were even around from all the people that disappeared from his world, it's not like we had a lot of other people like Kairi Sora had to save, that we can really say Kairi is special to him. She's just another person on his 'to save' list.

You mean the promise we later see was to bring Riku back to Kairi?

Kairi's Home representative. It means coming back home, not necesarilly to Kairi in the long run. And it meant a lot more when it became Namine's good luck charm. Since ya know, I never saw Sora risk his life to protect it when it was Kairi's.
And please, let the perhaps single proper show of friendship from Sora to Kairi live, alright? Since if you try to use even that to base romance you're left with nothing at all :v let him care about her at all because you say he's in love.

Nooo, he thinks about his promise to Namine. The two promises aren't related in the least. And the one that helps Sora recall his Memories is Namine. Since, ya know, if having Repliku in front of him all that time didn't stop Sora from forgetting anything, I doubt just telling him there was a girl Sora used to know once upon a time would help much. And you yourself just admitted to the fact Sora cares more about Riku than he does about Kairi, so how do you explain it without saying Namine was trying to avert Sora's attention from her herself by giving him someone else to supposedly love?

How in tarnation is the Memory of the Promise to Namine related to Kairi when it's set in a time where chronologically, Kairi couldn't have been there?
Even Sora recovering his Memories via Roxas and Namine's relation can be explained simply enough by this following logic:
Kairi = Person from Destiny Islands. DI = where Sora lived his whole life up to KH1. Hence by linking him to Kairi he's linked to the rest of his Memories. This has a lot less to do with how much he cares about Kairi as much as Kairi's plot location. Romance value = nill.

Namine is a Nobody born from Sora and Kairi, so of course her meeting Roxas would eventually link Sora and Kairi. I fail to see how you think you can base romance on that.
And he only looked for her for the second part of the game. And when he did, he went "she's kidnapped again?!". And then there's the added value of getting Riku-information from the people that kidnapped her, so again, it's not like he did things only for Kairi.
Ask yourself how he'd have reacted if his mother would've been kidnapped, and you wouldn't really find all that much of a difference. The point is that they stupidly introduced only Kairi from DI, instead of other people Sora and Riku could care less about. Hence, Kairi's incomparable, so you can't really say she's special in any way.

Of course he would be, it's a tiny ray of light in the Darkness he's facing after hearing from Saix Riku was pretty much screwed over.

:v good lords, what games have you been playing?

Uh... his "More than friends" comment about Namine suggests otherwise. I think that if Sora was to truly love Kairi, he'd have loved her by now.

No, what started his whole journey were the two friends that disappeared right in front of his eyes. Them being Riku and Kairi to that extent is redundant. Had it been Selphie and Tidus, do you truly believe Sora would've just shrugged and let them rot?
Again, he saved Alice over just seeing her in danger. You really wanna tell me that had he seen any two other friends of his disappear before their playground island went bye bye, that he'd have really not given a damn?

Haha! Your post made me laugh. I see your anti-SoKai side took over! I dnt know about Sora treating Kairi any super special way, but putting aside my i-dnt-like-any-pairing-in-kh ness than i must say that it would seem that no matter how much you wish it was one way or how much you hate Kairi and whatnot. Kairi is still the love interest. But i have a question. How can you say that kairi was only there to put a gap between the gayness of SoRiku when she does in fact have a role in the game. And i dont mean the anoying girl role i mean the Princess of heart, namine role. Kairi is in fact needed in the game(doesnt mean i like her cause trust me, that aint it). We all know Sora was a lte bloomer so his feelings for Kairi have not yet shown or been regonized so there is no telling as to how he truly feels about her, Theres only what square intended for us to believe. Also, Sora isnt a real person and since love isnt the biggest plot in KH his true for any body might take a hack of a lot of time. One more thing. About him saying for her to stay out of my way. Its really a very logical answer for anybody. Her getting in his way was code word for "You might get hurt or u wont be of any help". There is no denying they are in fact a trio. So when Sora said that i am pretty sure it wasnt sayiing "I dnt like you so dont come." Sora isnt the one to do that.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
Kairi isn't really needed. :v She can be replaced. It doesn't have to be Kairi. It could be Selphie that was a PoH.

Nozomi Ai

New member
Jul 14, 2009
In Riku's closet
Kairi isn't really needed. :v She can be replaced. It doesn't have to be Kairi. It could be Selphie that was a PoH.
True, but since it is already established as kairi u cnt change much(although i do think she needs to shape up big time if shes gonna role with Sora and Riku)


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Haha! Your post made me laugh. I see your anti-SoKai side took over!

I wonder where your intelligent side will :v

Kairi is still the love interest.

That being true doesn't change the fact Sora doesn't care all that much and that it sucks.

But i have a question. How can you say that kairi was only there to put a gap between the gayness of SoRiku when she does in fact have a role in the game.

You mean the role that aside from five minutes at the end of KH1 was never really brought into importance?
Heck, the PoHs all battled the Darkness, and what did Kairi do? Sit in Traverse Town and told Sora the possessed Riku could take care of himself.

And i dont mean the anoying girl role i mean the Princess of heart, namine role.

*bursts laughing* when Kairi actually gets a whole game dedicated to her where she's the focal point of the plot, lemme know.

Kairi is in fact needed in the game(doesnt mean i like her cause trust me, that aint it).

Like Araliya said - doesn't have to be her. That's speaking volumes about how important Kairi's role is.

We all know Sora was a lte bloomer so his feelings for Kairi have not yet shown or been regonized so there is no telling as to how he truly feels about her, Theres only what square intended for us to believe.

I love constantly bringing Sora's slip of the tongue about Namine in Re:CoM, about him being sure they were 'more than friends'.
Sora is mature enough. It's just that he didn't ever feel the need to say that sort of thing about Kairi, and his behavior follows suit.

Also, Sora isnt a real person and since love isnt the biggest plot in KH his true for any body might take a hack of a lot of time.

Did you even play CoM/Re:CoM? since, ya know, the whole plot for Sora's part is that he's not only friends with Namine, he's in-love with her to the point of obsession. I think that if they were really bothered with basing SoKai instead of SoRiku, that they'd have given Kairi similar treatment.

About him saying for her to stay out of my way. Its really a very logical answer for anybody. Her getting in his way was code word for "You might get hurt or u wont be of any help".

Ah, yeah, see, he could've just said that. I'm pretty sure Kairi would've responded a lot better to "stay here so you won't get hurt", too, than "you're a bloody hinderance, get away."
Namine had no problem staying put when Sora went off to battle Marluxia, now did she?

There is no denying they are in fact a trio.

Kairi: let's take the raft and go, just the two of us!
Kairi: Riku's lost his Heart! ;-; (in comparison to I WON'T LET HIM GO! about Sora earlier that day)
~five minutes later~
Kairi: Riku can take care of himself ^_^ (after having seen with her own eyes he's possessed, wot)

Riku: *DI's going to hell* Kairi's coming with us! *grabs Sora and jumps to the Darkness, leaving Kairi behind*
Riku: Kairi's not with you? Oh well, she's looking for us, we're finally free. Leave everything to me and don't worry about her anymore.

riiiiiiiight. Trio.


So when Sora said that i am pretty sure it wasnt sayiing "I dnt like you so dont come." Sora isnt the one to do that.

Sora isn't really one to tell people to get the hell away and yet he kind of did. They could've had him say a gazillion other things.
They had him tell Kairi she'd be in his way, and later on, had him complain about needing to rescue her again. This is more than just ' oh no another person to save', this is 'oh no Kairi's kidnapped again"

Nozomi Ai

New member
Jul 14, 2009
In Riku's closet
I wonder where your intelligent side will :v

That being true doesn't change the fact Sora doesn't care all that much and that it sucks.

You mean the role that aside from five minutes at the end of KH1 was never really brought into importance?
Heck, the PoHs all battled the Darkness, and what did Kairi do? Sit in Traverse Town and told Sora the possessed Riku could take care of himself.

*bursts laughing* when Kairi actually gets a whole game dedicated to her where she's the focal point of the plot, lemme know.

Like Araliya said - doesn't have to be her. That's speaking volumes about how important Kairi's role is.

I love constantly bringing Sora's slip of the tongue about Namine in Re:CoM, about him being sure they were 'more than friends'.
Sora is mature enough. It's just that he didn't ever feel the need to say that sort of thing about Kairi, and his behavior follows suit.

Did you even play CoM/Re:CoM? since, ya know, the whole plot for Sora's part is that he's not only friends with Namine, he's in-love with her to the point of obsession. I think that if they were really bothered with basing SoKai instead of SoRiku, that they'd have given Kairi similar treatment.

Ah, yeah, see, he could've just said that. I'm pretty sure Kairi would've responded a lot better to "stay here so you won't get hurt", too, than "you're a bloody hinderance, get away."
Namine had no problem staying put when Sora went off to battle Marluxia, now did she?

Kairi: let's take the raft and go, just the two of us!
Kairi: Riku's lost his Heart! ;-; (in comparison to I WON'T LET HIM GO! about Sora earlier that day)
~five minutes later~
Kairi: Riku can take care of himself ^_^ (after having seen with her own eyes he's possessed, wot)

Riku: *DI's going to hell* Kairi's coming with us! *grabs Sora and jumps to the Darkness, leaving Kairi behind*
Riku: Kairi's not with you? Oh well, she's looking for us, we're finally free. Leave everything to me and don't worry about her anymore.

riiiiiiiight. Trio.


Sora isn't really one to tell people to get the hell away and yet he kind of did. They could've had him say a gazillion other things.
They had him tell Kairi she'd be in his way, and later on, had him complain about needing to rescue her again. This is more than just ' oh no another person to save', this is 'oh no Kairi's kidnapped again"
Are you saying im unintelligent? Anyway when i said they were a trio i meant that they were meant o be a trio as in thats what SE intedted for it to be.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
And yet, their actions in the game says otherwise. :v
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